Monday, November 17, 2008

Throne of Heart

I’ve been stuck in the hall of emptiness since I fallen by the feeling of hatred for two winters.
There’s the darkness surrounding all over the hall
And my heart full of lonesome and weakness
Any time my inner voice shouts “I’ve been misleading”, and its echoes surrounded the hall

I know all ‘caused by the feeling of hatred
And I want out from this torture’s hall
I know I can, because I’ve got the strength to fight,
And the Almighty besides me ‘till the eternity

Nothing can take me far from my savior,
Because I believe He will never let me out from His affection
Nothing can take control of my feeling anymore
Because Jesus Christ dwells in the deep inside of my heart forever,
And he leads me into heaven

I’ve found that hatred ever defeated love in my heart,
And I lost my direction since that day
Now, I’m in love, and it’s burning my spirit ‘till the seven phase of sky
Now I am all right, and a hundred percent fine
So, here I am

December 2003

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